When you use our service, you agree to pay any fees that are incurred. All Professional Fees paid to FIA are subject to 18% GST. The GST collected cannot be refunded as it takes long procedure and lengthy process. This service price does not cover the costs involved with the immigration procedure, such as visa application fees for the government, English language examinations, skill and medical evaluations, and so on. Please keep in mind that we are not liable for these expenses. You are regarded to have hired the service of FIA as soon as payment is received. As a result, payments are subject to the condition of refund.FIA has the right to change pricing at any time and without notice. However, if you have a client agreement with FIA, you must pay the fees mentioned in the agreement for the work described. We cannot refund your consultation fee if you have taken information about your process and application. If you want to cancel your consultation you need to cancel with in 2 working days. In case, the Client desires to withdraw his application on any reason at a later date after taking part of services from FIA, then FIA will retain the amount of fee for the work done for you and refund the balance amount for the work not attended, which will be decided with mutual agreement.The mutually agreed amount will be paid to the client within 15 days from the date on which the amount is decided for fund.